my first customer
My art has been always gifts for my friends. But for the very first time, someone who I never met before asked me to draw her dog!!
Recently I started to do sketching. I was not so interested in sketching before, but somehow I felt like to do it.
But, I found it is so much fun!!! I started to draw my friends' dogs. Staring at their adorable faces for a long time during I sketch, face to face, I feel so much from them, from their expression, their feeling and LOVE.
For me, drawing is nothing but pure joy✨
Thank you for this opportunity to draw your little angel❤️
絵を描くことは私にとって純粋な喜びであり愛です。 最近、今まであまり興味のなかったスケッチをやってみたのですが
やってみると、こんなに楽しいものだったのかということに気がつきました。 描いている間、ずーーーーーっとわんこたちの表情を見つめ続けていると
いろいろなことを感じます。 彼らの気持ちとか、勝手に想像してるだけなんですが。 もうほとんどスピリチャルなことかもしれないぐらい。